Atta Rehman
2 min readApr 9, 2021



Amal totkay is basically related to the change of mindset. It basically related to the change of fixed mindset to the growth mindset. As we know, the growth mindset is also a part of the entrepreneurial mindset and something which we encourage our fellows to practice and develop.

So, the Amal totkay are basically the tips that are taught to the fellows for the development of their growth mindset.

Therefore five helpful tips are taught to the Fellowes to adapt to change its fixed mindset to a growth mindset.

  1. Positive Self-talk
  2. Get out of your comfort zone
  3. Create new habits
  4. Ask people help for your betterment
  5. Fake it till make it
Difference between Fixed mindset and Growth mindset

In my opinion, these tips in Amal tokay really helpful to change a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. As we know behind every success and failure the basic difference is only the mindset. So it acts as the backbone of every success.

My favorite tip is positive self-talk. Positive self-talk is supportive and affirming Self-talk is something you do naturally throughout your waking hours. People are becoming more aware that positive self-talk is a powerful tool for increasing your self-confidence and curbing negative emotions. People who can master positive self-talk are thought to be more confident, motivated, and productive.

The tip I started implemented in my life is getting out of my comfort zone. This is basically because of my one friend who often asks me not to waste my time and instead of talking about a problem start doing it because in the end you have to do t so please do it on time. I find it really helpful.

For the development of a growth mindset, I begin with tip no 3 which is to create new habits. I want to develop such habits that help me to become punctual that is also very necessary to develop the habit of KAM KAM KAM.

